Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cool Pirate Baby

My sweet little Riley is now wearing an eye patch a couple of hours each day to strengthen his "lazy eye".  I had him at the grocery store last week and notice many people staring at him.  One small boy actually said to his mom "I don't like that baby."  The poor mother was mortified.  I tool a minute to explain that he had an eye that wasn't working like it should and the patch was helping him to use his weak eye.  I explained that we told Riley it made him look like a baby pirate.  The little boy listened intently and then said, " I like that baby pirate, Mom."  
Having spent many years as a preschool and kindergarten teacher I know that children (and some adults) often "dislike" or criticize something they don't understand.  Hopefully this little boy will look differently at people with disabilities or differences now.  Riley is young enough that he doesn't realize people look at him differently when he wears his patch.  His parents are doing a super job of keeping an upbeat attitude about it.  They don't make a big deal about it or act like it is some sad or embarrassing.  Personally I think he is adorable with it on or off!

1 comment:

  1. Hard to improve perfection! That's our Riley.....just perfect!
